Craigslist, along with other online marketing vehicles, has helped to grow the popularity of discount brokers and pushed more individuals to become owner-sellers. Firms such as, and other flat fee brokerages, along with the new rules regarding MLS listings, have made the industry more competitive than ever. Never before has the real estate industry had so many options and been so competitive when a principal is considering buying a home, or listing their current home.
Craigslist is one of the major reasons why clients feel that they can sell their home without the use of the realtor, and it doesn’t help when Realtors create Craigslist advertisements that look comparable (and in some cases actually worse) then the ads that the owners prepare for themselves. It is simply unacceptable for Realtors to be providing Craigslist advertisements, such as the one seen below, that contain very little information, as well as just 1 – 4 pictures of the asset.
Icon advertisements not only look professional in that they are organized and easy to read, but they also provide a smorgasbord of pictures, not only of the asset, but also of the area the viewer is looking to buy in, as well as other features to promote the unique aspects of each home. I personally have been with individuals while they are searching Craigslist, shopping for a new home, and have heard first hand the complaints they have about the lack of pictures and information presented on the Craigslist ads.
So; both the market conditions and the clients alike are calling for better Real Estate Craigslist ads. Producing GREAT advertisements is only one call away. Please contact John at or call him at 604.831.7508.