Icon Marketing has a number of different solutions for creating Real Estate Craigslist advertisements. Since different realtors have different practices, preferences, and procedures when making advertisements, Icon has developed flexible services to cater to these differences.
When considering photos, Icon is available to come on site and take all the pictures necessary to make a descriptive and visually appealing advertisement. However, some realtors prefer to take their own pictures or use those of a specialist in advertisements, which is absolutely fine because these photos can just as easily be used in the Craigslist ad. Icon is prepared to gather all relevant information and visuals for a site (full service), but is also prepared to work out custom and individual procedures with each realtor who may have unique preferences. Also note that Icon has a large picture bank of local amenities including malls, parks, beaches, and schools located throughout the South Surrey region.
Not only will each advertisement contain an abundance of photographs, but there will also be written descriptions accompanying these galleries. We have a number of ways to efficiently create written descriptions to the liking of the realtor.
Icon knows that many Realtors are very adamant about using certain adjectives and nouns when describing a listing in an advertisement. Icon provides a full range of options when considering this scenario. Firstly, in the situation that the Realtor does not feel the need to be involved in the ad generation process, Icon is able to generate full written descriptions of all necessary areas of the area and property. On the other side of the spectrum, if the Realtor has high preferences for certain descriptive words, one of the options available is the use of a voice recorder, which would be used as follows: The Realtor does a walk through of the property, verbally describing the listing using all their favourite selling words, and Icon will incorporate these phrases or statements directly into the advertisement. There are also other options to facilitate this descriptive process, flexible to any and all personal preferences.
Contact John for more details!